Monday, November 26, 2012
"GASP! Is tonight our last forum?"
XP See, I managed to work The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in with school! I am becoming a master at this!!
Although it does appear that the Dwarves (and Bilbo) are recoiling from something... It looks like Bifur will try to poke whatever it is with that big pointy thing on a stick he is holding... Dwalin doesn't look too concerned, though. Then again, he is Dwalin and probably not very concerned about most threats.
I love Bofur's hat! It is just too cool for words. Plus, Bofur has the most adorkable smile of all time, and the end result is just charming. How can you not love Bofur?
The ninth production video for TH:AUJ has come out, so go check it out! I was reading on The One's message boards today, and people are still complaining about how the Dwarves don't have long enough beards. I want to go bang my head against the wall. The defining characteristic of dwarves is probably their shortness, not the length of their beards. As someone who loves to buck common fantasy stereotypes (you wouldn't believe the dragons in my stories), I love the idea of dwarves like Bofur and Dwalin and Thorin and Fili and Kili. (Yes, I have favorites by now. Can you tell?) The portion of axe embedded in Bifur's head, not so much, but all the same...
Oh, and I've had a bit of Fridge Logic (this time I've been kind and provided a clickable definition) concerning their beards. I mean, wouldn't long beards get in the way when they're mining ore or working at the forge? What if they accidentally hacked off part of their beard or caught the end on fire? What if it got stuck in something? Long hair and loose clothing need to be restrained to create a safe working environment! Of course, they didn't exactly have OSHA back then...
Apparently, some sort of Christmas pageant will be held in the Wesleyan auditorium. We walked in today to find costumes hanging up, wooden beams and boards for some sort of inn/stable place, hilarious plush crowns, and baskets of plastic food. While his music was playing, Dr. Mikey wandered over to inspect the loot. I am pretty sure he was thinking something along the lines of, "Potatoes did no exist in 1st cen. AD Palestine," since he mentioned that potatoes come from South America in one of his lectures. It was also on the test, I think...
Also, instead of blogging, I should be looking up stuff for my persuasive speech. Meh. I'm just feeling so demotivated about that class...
In Pace Christi,
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