Monday, December 12, 2011


Master gave Dobby a sock! Dobby is FREEEEEEEEEEE!

Yes, I was the one skipping out of Bibb Graves chanting that to myself under my breath. I'm sure all you Potterphiles out there are pleased and everything.

I had three finals today, but it wasn't as bad as I thought, and now I am FREEEEEEEEE for the rest of the year! Woo! Not even the fact that I had to wait 15 minutes on a shuttle or that some poor guy's car broke down at the intersection at Martin's right in front of me on the way home can dull my enthusiasm. It helped that I came home and ate chocolate chip cookies that I made the other night. Chocolate solves many problems.

When I came home, I saw that the lights in the tractor shed were on, the horses were standing at the gate waiting to be fed, one of our dogs had wrapped his chain around something again, and the other dog was gnawing on something that died, oh, a month or two ago. When I came inside, I saw that one of my brothers had taped a drawing of a skull and crossbones to the door and learned that my other brother was going to bed at 8:00 tonight for misbehaving, while my sister was groaning over a literature test.

So, yes, everything is well with my world. I am feeling very happy and content. I would like to put a big smiley face on this post, but the best I can do is this:


In Pace Christi,


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